Blue Mesa Recreation Association

The Snowiest Winters

Thanks to a series of significant storms starting after Christmas this winter's snowpack reached well over three feet at its peak. Only three winters reported snowpack of three feet or more during the last 20 years. They are 2007, 2018, and 2022. The top 10 snowiest winters are listed below. Note that snow pack is not uniform and that there may be areas in Blue Mesa that had higher or lower snowpack. The average maximum snowpack for the subdivision over 20 years is 21 inches.

1.  2018  3' 6"
2.  2022   3' 4"
3.  2007   3' 0"
4.  2016   2' 11"
5.  2013   2' 2"
6.  2005   2' 1"
7.  2014   2' 1"
8.  2012   2' 0"
9.  2019   2' 0"
10.  2009   1' 10"

Snowfall versus snowpack: snowpack is the snow depth, while snowfall is the amount of snow that has fallen over a period of time. The snowpack values reported here are obtained either from direct observation or estimates by the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center.